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Pastor Tommy Coker

Tomorrow is a New Day

Scripture : Lamentations 3: 22 , 23

Friday, July 19 2019

Every go through a day and it seems everything you do goes wrong ? As the day ends , you look back and think the whole day was one big blunder . Many times we find our-selves saying , "Oh well, tomorrow is a new day ! "

I like that thought . Tomorrow is a new day , a new day when we can start afresh . I think this is what Jeremiah had in mind when he wrote..." It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed , because His compassions fail not . They are new every morning : great is thy faithfulness ."... We all make mistakes . But when it comes to sin, God's forgiveness is what enables us to start each morning with a clean slate. When we repent, He chooses to remember our sins no more .

Some of us have made wrong choices in our past but , our past words and deeds need not define our future in God's eyes. There is always a fresh start ! When we ask His for-giveness, we take a first step toward restoring our relationship with Him, and with others. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse

us from all unrighteousness ". God's compassions , and faithfulness, are truly new every morning … ….tomorrow is a new day !

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